Oct 17, 2017
Getting to Know my Colleagues at Regent Atlantic at their NYC Opening
I am always on the lookout for new quality colleagues on whom I can rely on for good advice and support. Recently, at a networking...

Sep 17, 2017
Not An "Ordinary" Experience
In August, I was pleased to travel to New Haven with client Hazel Alvarado, Founder of Whiskey with Me, to assist her in a project for...

Sep 17, 2017
Why Isn't My Lawyer More Helpful? Part II
Last month, I attempted to explain some of the disconnect between lawyers and clients. I started by describing how much law there really...

Aug 17, 2017
Why Isn't My Lawyer More Helpful? Part I
What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. How do you know a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving. “Lawyers...

Aug 17, 2017
Laner Legal Website Improvements
I'm pleased to announce continued improvements to the Laner Legal website for your viewing ease and pleasure. Ok, "pleasure" might be a...

Jul 18, 2017
Business Basics Talk With Entrepreneurs @NYC Game Changers Event
On July 11, 2017, I was happy to give a talk to existing and budding entrepreneurs at the NYC Game Changers Meetup. During the...

Jul 17, 2017
Warranties and You Part II: Express Warranties (Limited & Full)
This is a series about something many people think about all the time when they buy something - what your rights are when things go bad....

Jun 17, 2017
Warranties and You Part I: Implied Warranties
Ever walk into a store with a pressing need (say a cool breeze on a hot summer night) and walk with out the perfect solution (for...

May 17, 2017
Is a Verbal Contract Legally Binding?
Would a rose by any other name, smell just as sweet?[1] How about a contract? When is a contract a contract, and when is it not? When you...

May 17, 2017
Honored to Meet, Katalin Bogyay, Hungarian Ambassador to the United Nations @The Foreign Press Assoc
A beautiful Friday with Hungarian Ambassador to the United Nations, Katalin Bogyay (to my left, your right), at the Foreign Press...