Aug 17, 2018
What Do I Need *In* My Contract?
So, you decided to use more than a handshake but what language do you actually use? Disclaimer: The following information does NOT...

Jul 17, 2018
Warranties Revisited
Ever wonder what different types of warranties mean? What's covered and what's not? Whether you even are entitled to a warranty? Let's...

Jun 17, 2018
How Long Does It Take to Register a Trademark?
As I threatened to do a longtime ago, I am trying out simplified articles that are quicker to read and less dense than some of my regular...

May 18, 2018
How to Negotiate a Licensing Deal
Negotiating is a bit like dancing. You need to know some basic steps, find your rhythm and establish a rapport with your partner. Let's...

Apr 17, 2018
LLC & Partnership Agreements: 5 Top Issues
Disclaimer: The following information does NOT constitute legal advice and is only for general educational purposes. Each situation is...

Mar 17, 2018
What to Expect When Buying or Selling a Business Part III
This article continues from the previous one and the one before that about selling and a business. The first article talked about the...

Feb 18, 2018
What to Expect When Buying or Selling a Business Part II
This article continues from the previous one about selling and a business. Last time we talked about buying and selling a business we...

Jan 18, 2018
What to Expect When Buying or Selling a Business Part I
Buying or selling a business can be a scary situation. Who should negotiate? What's involved? What's the step by step process? What are...

Jul 17, 2017
Warranties and You Part II: Express Warranties (Limited & Full)
This is a series about something many people think about all the time when they buy something - what your rights are when things go bad....

Jun 17, 2017
Warranties and You Part I: Implied Warranties
Ever walk into a store with a pressing need (say a cool breeze on a hot summer night) and walk with out the perfect solution (for...