May 17, 2017
Is a Verbal Contract Legally Binding?
Would a rose by any other name, smell just as sweet?[1] How about a contract? When is a contract a contract, and when is it not? When you...

Apr 17, 2017
Copyrights and Copy Cats (Intellectual Property Series II)
So you wrote a new play, a movie script, or computer game, and you want to prevent people from stealing your creative juices as you try...

Mar 17, 2017
Do I Need to Trademark My Logo?
Lately, I have been getting some requests for information regarding Intellectual Property, so I thought I would create a little something...

Jan 17, 2017
The Need for Small Business Pro-Bono
(Originally published in the NY Law Journal, in my role as Chairman of the New York State Bar Association Corporate Counsel Section see...

Nov 18, 2016
All Your Base Are Belong To Us a.k.a. GG! B 1337 & Pwn Ur NMEs (Business & Legal Issues in
I have been wanting to write an article on one of my passions - video games - for awhile now. What better time than in advance of the...

Oct 17, 2016
Choose Your Own Company Part II
So, in our previous chat together, we discussed the types of questions you absolutely need to think about - BEFORE - you choose your type...

Sep 17, 2016
Choose Your Company Part I
Think before you act. You have got a great idea for a company, but you’re unsure of what type of structure to use: C-Corp, LLC, partnership